Barriers to Medical Care For Disabled People
People with disabilities face a multitude of barriers to receiving quality health care. These may include financial concerns, transportation problems, and inadequate or inaccessible equipment and facilities.
A recent CDC report shows that people with disabilities experience significantly lower rates of preventive screening than their nondisabled peers. These statistics emphasize the need for improved healthcare services tailored specifically towards this population.
Health Insurance
Health insurance is an invaluable tool to provide medical care. People living with disabilities, especially those suffering from chronic illnesses, must have access to affordable and dependable coverage in order to receive proper medical attention.
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) safeguards people with disability service providers melbourne from being denied coverage or charged higher rates due to their health status. It also guarantees everyone access to affordable, high-quality health care.
For instance, when someone with Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) applies for Medicare coverage, the Social Security Administration (SSA) counts their first 24 months of SSDI benefit entitlement as a qualifying period.
During a trial work period, individuals are still eligible for health insurance through their former employer (if they have more than 100 employees) or Medicare. While SSDI cash benefits may cease during this time, beneficiaries will not have to pay any premiums for hospital coverage during this period.
Communication Difficulties
Communication difficulties can be a major obstacle when providing medical care for disabled individuals. They may include difficulty reading or understanding written material, being misunderstood by healthcare professionals or not being able to effectively communicate with others.
Many individuals with intellectual disability rely on sign language or other symbols to communicate. These aid them in conveying their ideas more effectively to others and expressing themselves more fully.
Health care professionals now have more ways to communicate with patients. Combining verbal or written communication, visual aids provide all parties involved with clarity on what’s occurring and how it’s being handled.
Healthcare professionals must always have access to easy-to-read literature at all appointments, especially if they work with people who cannot read standard English. This will enable them to provide clear verbal explanations and guarantee all parties understand what is being said.
Preventive Screening
Preventive screening is an effective method to detect diseases and health conditions before symptoms appear. These tests are usually non-invasive, helping doctors detect problems at an earlier stage when they may be easier to treat.
People with disabilities tend to develop secondary medical conditions more frequently and use fewer preventive services than others, as well as facing significant barriers in accessing care. These can include stereotypes about disability among healthcare providers, an absence of appropriate training for healthcare providers, lack of accessible medical facilities and equipment, as well as sign language interpreters for exams.
Preventive screening can be a valuable asset in helping disabled individuals manage their health and stay ahead of disease or illness. It also helps them avoid costly, high-risk surgeries. For instance, carotid artery screening can detect someone’s risk for stroke before they experience serious illness.
Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular disease refers to heart-related health conditions like heart attacks, high blood pressure and strokes that can cause disability and reduce quality of life.
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, and it’s more prevalent in low-income countries than high-income ones.
People with disabilities often report less access to preventive health services and worse health than their non-disabled peers, increasing their vulnerability for chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease or diabetes.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America. It’s also a leading cause of hospitalization and disability.
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
People with intellectual and developmental disabilities typically require special medical care and support in their community. Early identification and ongoing interventions can ensure these individuals live healthy lives throughout their lifespans.
These conditions are usually caused by genetic disorders (like Down syndrome and Fragile X), complications during pregnancy and delivery, or illness like whooping cough, measles or meningitis. Exposure to environmental toxins like lead or mercury may also play a role in the emergence of these disabilities.
Historically, society has institutionalized people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in large institutions with poor living conditions and inadequate care. However, advances in medical technology and assistive devices have created opportunities for those living with disabilities to lead more independent lives.